So many presenters miss the opportunity to engage their audiences with dialogue. Speaking is live performance; why share the words as written prose? Consider this dialogue excerpt from Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath: “If you wanta pull in here an’ camp it’ll …More ☛
Transcript: Dave Bricker (00:02) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk, smart strategies, and amazing stories from …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:06) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from visionary …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:05) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakepedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk, smart strategies, and …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakipedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk, smart strategies, and amazing …More ☛
Dave Bricker (00:00) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakipedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk, smart strategies, and amazing stories …More ☛
Load a demo and view the generated results. By Dave Bricker Great words fail without great delivery, yet so many speechwriters deliver a manuscript and leave the performance up to the (often-inexperienced) speaker. Paste your speech into the box below …More ☛
The Speakipedia Influencer Tools are based on careful study of story structures. It’s easy to ask AI to “write a story” or “create an introduction for my next speech,” but unless we provide specific information and careful instructions, the AI …More ☛
Transcription Dave Bricker (00:06) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media, brought to you by Speakipedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from visionary …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:01) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakypedia Media brought to you by Speakypedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from …More ☛
by Dave Bricker Load a demo and experience the AI-generated results. Get Started Opening Prompt Intro Call to Action Pitch! We’ve all suffered through the round-robin ramble—where meeting participants each deliver a boring, too-long, me-focused, exposition on who they are …More ☛
Business, technology, and how-to books can be viewed as one-sided sales conversations. Though the author may hope to sell products or services, what’s usually being sold directly to the reader is an idea—a strategy or philosophy that can be used …More ☛
Verbs are the engines that move your writing and your readers, but many authors don’t spend enough time choosing the right ones. If your writing was an electric guitar, your verbs would be the volume, tone, and distortion controls that …More ☛
This article discusses the pros and cons of traditional publishing. Abandon your biases, study the business of publishing, and choose the publishing method that best suits you and your book. Perhaps the biggest myth in publishing is that as a …More ☛
Tom Morkes published The Perfect Book sales Page on his blog. I’m usually the first person to reject formulaic approaches to book marketing. Many well-written books are horrible products. But what I like about Tom’s template is that it forces …More ☛
This article explains how to produce and market a professional quality audiobook using Amazon ACX. Through ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange), I was able to audition voiceover talent, choose a professional producer, review the work in progress, and make my audiobook …More ☛
Pacing is the speed at which a story unfolds or information is delivered. It plays a crucial role in maintaining audience engagement and building suspense and intensity in narratives and speeches. Many speakers think of the word “dynamics” as referring …More ☛
Rhetoric is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, particularly the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. Rhetoric involves three main strategies known as ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos appeals to ethics, pathos to emotions, …More ☛
Let’s keep things simple. Your Name and Contact Information Will never be shared with any third parties for commercial purposes. Mailing List Your registration will subscribe you to the Speakipedia email list. You are free to unsubscribe without losing your …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:06) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakipedia .com. I’m your MC Dave Bricker bringing you straight talk and smart strategies …More ☛
We’ve all been to meetings where everyone in the room gets a turn to introduce themself. And we know how agonizing this can be! Most people take the commonsense approach. They state their name and they tell everyone what they …More ☛
Selling makes many of us uncomfortable. We receive thousands of BMS (Buy My Stuff) emails, and the last thing we want is to be part of a captive audience, forced to listen as a speaker closes their program with a …More ☛
It’s pitch day and five big construction contractors show up, each of them hoping to convince the university that they should be the ones to build the new STEM building. One by one, each contractor drags the selection committee through …More ☛
If you want to discover what the human voice is capable of, listen to Humphrey Bower narrate the audiobook version of Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. In that book, Mr. Bower emulates the voices of men AND women from India, …More ☛
Many of us can recite poems and lyrics we first heard when we were children. Rhythm and rhyme are beyond memorable. So why don’t we use them more often when we speak? I was bored with my elevator pitch and …More ☛
Preparing for a presentation? Ask about support with contest speeches, TEDx talks, and the big pitch. Rock your talk with a full gamut of services from writing to delivery coaching to follow-up strategy. Inquire:
Tempo is speed, and it’s an important element of dynamic speaking. On a basic level, be aware of whether you’re speaking too fast, especially if you have non-native English speakers in your audience. We speed up our speaking when we …More ☛
Dynamics means “change,” and yet so many speakers think “dynamic speaking” means being loud and emphatic. Being a dynamic speaker means you change your volume, speed, emotional intensity, and other factors. And “Pitch” is one of those important dynamic variables. …More ☛
Speaking is theater but many speakers are afraid they’ll look “theatrical” or “over-the-top.” They hold themselves back and stay in the dynamic “safe zone.” And it’s true that we’re likely to deliver a bigger performance on a keynote stage than …More ☛
If you want to become a great musician listen to great music. If you want to become a great speaker listen to great speeches. So what makes up a great speech? Here are a few things to look for: One: …More ☛
So many speakers think a “dynamic” speaker should use their FM radio rock and roll DJ voice all the time. [DJ voice] They never speed up. They never slow down. Their pitch never goes up. Their pitch never goes down. …More ☛
Writing an eloquent speech is 98% of the work. Delivering that speech in an engaging way is the other 98%. Some speakers take years to discover this. They talk about being afraid or angry but they don’t speed up or …More ☛
For the most part, your audience has forgotten how to SHOUT unless they’ve lost their temper. They’re afraid to SING the way they did when they were kids. They rarely slow down or speed up or raise their pitch. Many …More ☛
Another agonizing networking event! You walk around the room, introduce yourself to the next stranger, ask them what they do, and pray they’ll offer anything remotely relevant to you. Great! Another realtor! Wow! Another financial manager! Nice to meet you …More ☛
We often hear about “dynamic speaking,” but what does that mean? The dictionary defines “dynamics” as “the forces or properties which stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process.” Essentially, “dynamics” means “change,” and if you want your …More ☛
You’ve been asked to pitch a big project. You and your teammates Shelly and Barbara sit at your conference table discussing next week’s big presentation. “It’s impossible to know how the competition is going to position themselves,” says Shelly. “We …More ☛
The “elevator pitch” is an essential professional tool—a tool that should be kept razor sharp and as ready to deploy as a handshake and a smile—and yet, most professionals are woefully bad at introducing themselves. Have you ever attended a …More ☛
Inspire prospects to ask you to sell to them. Many years ago I was out sailing on Biscayne Bay with an old sailor friend. The conversation drifted from how to adjust the sails to light talk about our personal lives, …More ☛
“Storytelling…? I don’t know.” A troubled look flashed across Sally’s face. “You’ll have a hard time selling me on your topic. Last year’s speaker was a dud. I need to deliver some wow-factor this year or I might not be …More ☛
Nideknil Marketplace was all hustle and bustle. Colorful signs above the merchant stalls proclaimed the advantages of endless products and services. Businesspeople crowded the aisles, picking up samples and literature and talking to the vendors. The pitch-trolls were out in …More ☛
Verbs are the engines that move your writing, your speaking, your readers, and your audiences but many authors ands presenters don’t spend enough time choosing the right ones. If your writing was an electric guitar, your verbs would be the volume, …More ☛
I’ve been videoconferencing for years; this will be easy! I thought as I began my first virtual speech. When it was over, I was surprised at my lackluster performance, and by the number of filler words I used—ums, ers, and …More ☛
Speaking range is as important to a presentation as musical range is to performance. Actors refer to the combination of body and voice as an “instrument.” A piano has an eight-octave range of pitch, and the piano was originally named …More ☛