by Dave Bricker
- Get Started
- Opening Prompt
- Intro
- Call to Action
- Pitch!

The Pitch Witch will help you stand out with a concise, catchy, and memorable introduction so you can ride your elevator pitch to the penthouse!
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Part 1. The Opening Prompt
The first part of your elevator pitch is a prompt designed to qualify your prospect. This gives you the opportunity to talk about THEM instead of launching into a list of products and services YOU offer. Your prospects won’t listen or care (or remember your name) until they know you understand THEIR problems.
Start by creating a catchy question that only your ideal prospect will say “Yes!” to. (The rest should understand they are not the clients you are looking for).
Are you the parent of a learning-disabled child?
Are you a business leader who’s battling stress?
Are you a medical professional who’s plagued by lawsuits?
Qualify Your Prospect
“Everyone” is not your ideal client. Your elevator pitch should specify who has a problem you can solve.
Busy moms
Lackluster leaders
Always-on-call oncologists
What Problem Do They Have?
Most problems boil down to time, stress, or money.
Time management
Not enough funds to move forward
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The Introduction
We haven’t shared your name yet because no one will remember it until you give them a reason to. Now that your prospect knows you have a solution to a problem they care about, you’ll introduce yourself and connect your name to a memorable persona.
I’m Jimi Hendrix, the Stratocaster Master
I’m Wanda, your tax detangler.
I’m Bob Johnson, your Relationship Relief Worker
Your Name
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Call to Action / Contact
The Transformation
Now that you’ve introduced yourself and the value you offer, give them a reason to get in touch. You introduced their story’s conflict with the opening question; now focus on the transformation. State a goal, achievement or positive result rather than a problem they’ll stop having.
When you’re ready to accomplish twice as much in half the time…
Keep your employees engaged and working for you…
Build your retirement nest egg, even if you’re over 50!
Tell ’em What to Do!
Now that you have your prospect interested, tell them what to do next.
Connect with me on LinkedIn!
Visit me on the web at
Catch me today at the meeting so we can schedule a strategy session.
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Your Elevator Pitch

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