by Dave Bricker
Replace the sample text with a speech of your own. The word count will be calculated in the field below. The word count can only be changed by changing the text.
Enter a target word count if your content is limited to a certain number of words. Edit your speech until the actual word count matches your target word count. (This field doesn’t calculate anything; it’s just an optional place for you to keep the target word count handy.)
The Speech Time Calculator will determine the duration of your speech based on the word count and the speed of delivery.
Change the delivery speed to suit your speaking style. The default value of 120 words-per-minute accommodates pauses and audience interaction. 100–150 WPM is comfortable. 150–160 WPM is the upper range where speakers can comfortably vocalize words. Auctioneers sometimes speak 250–400 WPM but that’s a freak show! Slight adjustments in delivery speed will help shrink or fill a speech of a given word count to fit the time allotted.
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