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Speaker Wizard by Dave

A strong, interesting, and sets the stage for your . It builds energy and your audience to on the problem you address, why it matters, how it’s relevant to them, and why you are uniquely qualified to deliver the solution.

An is not a résumé, an autobiography, or a personal ad. And “Before I begin…” is a terrible way to start a speech! Empower your to get backstory or explanations out of the way so you can start with a killer opening line.

Use the Speaker Introduction Wizard below to create your customized speaker introduction based on the framework created by Christine Cashen, CSP, CPAE.

1. Setup

Select Your Pronoun

How should the emcee refer to you?

2. Opening Question

Begin with a provocative opening question they’ll say “yes” to. Make your question funny, shocking, or rooted in usually-unspoken truth.

Have you ever wished you could do twice the work in half the ?

Have you ever wondered how the people you HATE make success look easy?

Did you ever wonder why speakers ask so many rhetorical questions?

The Question:

3. Credentials

Why should they listen to you? Share three credentials. Make these interesting, extraordinary, attention-grabbing, and unique. Hint: Your advanced degree and employment history may represent bona fide achievements, but they probably aren’t attention-grabbing.

climbed Mount Everest … twice

raised twelve children as a single mom

helped clients make over a trillion dollars


4. The Twist

Add a surprising personal detail. Feel free to drop a hint about your professional offerings at the same .

When they’re not doing (normal activity), they’re doing (surprising activity).

When she’s not giving presentations, she’s hang-gliding … with her poodle, Geronimo.

When he’s not working on his next , he’s rehearsing with his award-winning bluegrass band.

When they’re not helping Fortune 500 clients keep their employees on-board, they’re buying and selling antique telescopes.

Normal activity

Surprising Activity

5. What outcome do you deliver?

What is the purpose of your ?

He’s here today to help us…

turn our messes into messages

grow company cultures that keep employees productive and engaged

put our fear of public speaking behind us so we can crush the stage

6. Location and Name

Share where you’re from. This can add a note of if you’re local. Please welcome:

… all the way from Miami, Florida…

… all the way from our own HR Department…

… all the way from ABC Speaker Bureau…

Save your name for the last word. This builds anticipation and energy.

Note: Print your final introduction in the largest that will fit on a page. Many emcees will improvise, make additions to, or otherwise mutilate your introduction if you don’t specifically tell them not to. Consider including a cover sheet with the following text on it:

My introduction is part of my . It was carefully designed to build energy and prime our audience to receive the value you invited me to share. Please read it exactly as it was written without additions or modifications. Need to change it? Please ask. Thank you!

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