Dave Bricker: Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakipedia.com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk, smart strategies and amazing stories from visionary speakers …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:06) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakepedia.com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from …More ☛
Transcript: Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakepedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from …More ☛
This third installment of Judging a Book by its Cover looks at great book cover designs that won the 2012 Design Observer 50 Books-50 Covers award. Part 1 explored how most book design rarely rises above “competent.” Part 2 looked …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakipedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from visionary …More ☛
Speaking nerves are normal and natural, but think about it: Most fears are rooted in things that might happen to US. We worry we’ll forget a line. We worry the audience won’t like us. We worry we’ll say something embarrassing. …More ☛
In part 1 we defined the transformation. By knowing how we want our audience to think, feel, or act differently after they’ve seen our presentation, we can tailor our content to helping them achieve those goals. In part 2, we …More ☛
Lecturers deliver information; speakers deliver transformation. You may talk about finance, artificial intelligence, or real estate—and that information may be valuable—but if you just want to share data, a printed article is faster to consume and your audience can take …More ☛
If you want to become a great musician listen to great music. If you want to become a great speaker listen to great speeches. So what makes up a great speech? Here are a few things to look for: One: …More ☛
Over the years I’ve spent speaking, I’ve developed special ways to explain a variety of concepts. I’ve written books, created beautiful slides, and shared a number of workshops. But as clearly as I’ve mapped out my messages, I’ve discovered only …More ☛
What’s the difference between a lecturer and a speaker? A lecturer delivers information. A speaker delivers transformation. Remember all those teachers you had who were passionate enough about their subjects to have earned advanced degrees in them? And then they …More ☛