Speaking nerves are normal and natural, but think about it:

Most fears are rooted in things that might happen to US.

We worry we’ll forget a line.

We worry the audience won’t like us.

We worry we’ll say something embarrassing.

But if we’re going to deliver transformation to our audience…

If we’re going to accomplish our mission of inspiring people to think, act, or feel different after they’ve heard our presentations, doesn’t that imply we should be thinking about THEM…

…and not worrying about whether or not we’re going to be perfect?

Something may or may not go wrong on-stage

And we’ll deal with it if it does.

But if we focus on delivering value to our audiences, they’ll know it, feel it, and support us when circumstances don’t go our way.

Speaking nerves are all about you.

Focus on THEM!

Turn nervous into service!