We all like to look at attractive models…
But I’m not talking about the kind that smiles for the camera.
If you have ideas to share, communicate them with a contextual model.
When I teach storytelling, I share the StorySailing® model.
I also introduce the CAST Call model and the Three Circles of Storytelling depending on the audience and what we want to accomplish.
Caroline de Posada teaches CORE—which stands for clarity, organization, resilience, and emotional inelligence. If we want succeed, we all have to strengthen our core. CORE is both an acronym and a metaphor.
Contextual models make concepts easy to understand and easy to remember.
Look for words that relate to your audience or your industry and create acronyms.
If you teach presentation skills, you might share how to:
Share your message
Perform on stage
Earn the attention and respect of your audience
Ask them to make some changes that will benefit them, and
Know how to make that happen.
The acronym SPEAK offers a contextual model you could build a whole workshop around.
Want to sell your ideas and leadership to your audience?
Do what the marketers do.
Capture their attention with a beautiful model.