Transcript: Dave Bricker (00:02) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk, smart strategies, and amazing stories from …More ☛
Don’t Leave the Stage Until the Clapping Stops. I’ve done it. Most experienced professionals have done it. (sounds of applause) Thanks but I don’t need all that attention. I just gave my talk. That’s what I do. Really … you’re …More ☛
My friend Kelly Swanson fell off the stage! She picked herself up, looked at the audience, and said, “I will now take questions from the floor!” Standing ovation! Why is it that we waste so much energy hoping and praying …More ☛
I-We-You. You’re addressing an audience. When should you switch from the inclusive “we” to the more personal “you?” When is it acceptable to use “I?” When talking about your own experiences, use “I.” Listeners will follow your story as long …More ☛
Body language and spoken language: Combine them strategically to enhance audience engagement. In my 2019 Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest entry, I parodied the “speaker‘s journey” from being paralyzed by fear to joining Toastmasters to becoming a confident presenter. (Toastmasters International …More ☛