Transcript: Dave Bricker (00:01) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from visionary …More ☛
Are airlines greedy? Effective and authentic business storytelling would have led us to form a better impression. Remember when we used to get two checked bags with every airline ticket? And then those greedy bastards started tacking on additional fees! …More ☛
Dave Bricker: Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk, smart strategies and amazing stories from visionary speakers …More ☛
Do you swim with whales? When we want big clients and big opportunities, we get in the water with them! And that’s what we’ll do in this coolest-ever business retreat. Check an Item Off Your Bucket List Spend six days …More ☛
Transcript [00:00:00] Dave Bricker: Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is “Speakipedia Media,” brought to you by I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk, smart strategies, and amazing …More ☛
Transcript: Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakepedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from …More ☛
Transcription Dave Bricker (00:06) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media, brought to you by Speakipedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from visionary …More ☛
This article discusses the pros and cons of traditional publishing. Abandon your biases, study the business of publishing, and choose the publishing method that best suits you and your book. Perhaps the biggest myth in publishing is that as a …More ☛
In my work with writers, I come across many common technical problems with manuscripts. These usually spring from the best of intentions as the writer attempts to create the feel of the finished book within the manuscript. Though they’re trying …More ☛
What do you think a professional editor‘s pay scale should be? Assume that a proofreader would be at the bottom of the scale and a developmental/line editor would be at the top. An examination of the work editors perform sheds …More ☛
I recently published a post about the difference between vanity publishing and true self-publishing. Fundamentally, the article defines a publisher as “someone who takes the risk on a book.” Vanity Presses represent themselves as publishers and accept royalties while the …More ☛
One question that loops endlessly on writers‘ forums is “How can I sell more books?” The question is a natural one, but for many self-publishers, it betrays a certain lack of awareness about the publishing business. Lest I sound holier …More ☛
Let’s keep things simple. Your Name and Contact Information Will never be shared with any third parties for commercial purposes. Mailing List Your registration will subscribe you to the Speakipedia email list. You are free to unsubscribe without losing your …More ☛
Speakipedia Affiliate Program Terms of Service Agreement By signing up to be an Affiliate in the Speakipedia Affiliate Program (“Program”) you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”). Speakipedia reserves the right to …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakipedia .com. I’m your host, Dave Bricker, bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from visionary …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by I’m your emcee Dave Bricker bringing you straight talk and smart strategies from visionary …More ☛
Transcript Dave Bricker (00:06) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by speakipedia .com. I’m your MC Dave Bricker bringing you straight talk and smart strategies …More ☛
We all get so disappointed when our favorite movie gets embroiled in some tasteless scandal. We love them so much on stage and then, in real life, they turn out to be so horrible! How will your audiences feel about …More ☛
Celebrities can charge enormous fees because people will pay to be in the same room with them, and when an organization brings in a celebrity speaker, they look well-connected and influential. But what about business speakers who routinely charge 5-figure …More ☛
I’ve written and published 14 books… And as far as book sales go, that’s made me tens of dollars. Two million books are published every year. And getting your book noticed in the crowd is even more difficult than appearing …More ☛
How do you negotiate with a speaker? What if you find just the right speaker for your conference and then discover there’s a gap between your budget and their fee? Here are a few ways to close the price—value gap. …More ☛
How long does it take to build any business? Celebrities and rock stars may find it easy to launch an enterprise based on name recognition. A few speakers are able to build a practice quickly when they retire as industry …More ☛
True story: Gayle’s connecting flight from Atlanta was canceled and she had to be on the stage at a conference the next morning in New York City — 850 miles away. Not only was her five-figure speaking fee on the …More ☛
Become a seven-figure speaker in seven weeks! Buy this $20,000 speaking course and earn the money back on your first engagement. Yeah, right! If it was that easy, we’d all just pony up the money and start raking in the …More ☛
So many speakers are subject matter experts … and of course, we have to be. But if you tell people you speak about leadership, branding, corporate culture, or some other topic, you’ve missed the point. What problem do you solve? …More ☛
Are you stuck? How will you ever get to the next level? The concept of levels is a direct assault on our self-esteem. It’s like being rich. Is there a specific amount of currency that distinguishes the rich from the …More ☛
No big deal if you run over, right? That’s just more value the audience will get for the same fee. Wrong. Think again. Running overtime is a big rookie mistake. Let’s say the conference you’re speaking at hired a $100,000 …More ☛
Speaking is theater but many speakers are afraid they’ll look “theatrical” or “over-the-top.” They hold themselves back and stay in the dynamic “safe zone.” And it’s true that we’re likely to deliver a bigger performance on a keynote stage than …More ☛
Keynoting: Many people associate “speaking” with standing on a stage in front of an auditorium full of people, but there are many other ways to earn income as a speaker. Keynote work pays well, but it’s difficult to compete for, …More ☛
How do you put a price on your passion? How can you charge a fair-but-high price for your services? You’ve got a fantastic prospect on the line. The conversation is engaging. The relationship develops instantly. Your hopefully-soon-to-be client is …More ☛
Hobbyist or professional? True professionals dedicate their lives to being the best in the world at whatever they do—not some day, but today—every day. Not try, do. I have played guitar almost every day for almost forty years. I play …More ☛
“This should be a great presentation,” said Jess as we walked into the Chamber of Commerce breakfast and grabbed a table near the platform. The speaker made a gazillion dollars taking startups public. He’s the CEO of…” “Why does everyone …More ☛
Getting stuck in the wrong story can feel productive, but it traps us in conflict and prevents us from reaching our meaningful goals. I was sitting in the cockpit of my sailboat one evening when I spied a small …More ☛