Dynamics—change—is the hallmark of an engaging speech. One variable that’s often overlooked is emotional intensity. Changes in intensity offer a powerful way to cue your audience to whether you’re playing a role in a story or narrating. A lesser speaker …More ☛
Dynamics means “change,” and yet so many speakers think “dynamic speaking” means being loud and emphatic. Being a dynamic speaker means you change your volume, speed, emotional intensity, and other factors. And “Pitch” is one of those important dynamic variables. …More ☛
If you want to become a great musician listen to great music. If you want to become a great speaker listen to great speeches. So what makes up a great speech? Here are a few things to look for: One: …More ☛
We often hear about “dynamic speaking,” but what does that mean? The dictionary defines “dynamics” as “the forces or properties which stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process.” Essentially, “dynamics” means “change,” and if you want your …More ☛