Always, always, always give your pest performance!

It doesn’t matter of there are only three people in the whole auditorium.

You never know who’s in the audience.

One of them might be a decision-maker who will hire you when they see you treat a small room like a stadium.

Never blame anyone when things don’t go just right.

You never know who’s in the audience.

How would you feel if you cursed PowerPoint when your slideshow glitched and later found that someone from Microsoft had been in the audience—someone who might have hired you?

Don’t swear on stage.

You never know who’s in the audience.

You might not care about four-letter words but someone in the audience might. Even if they aren’t in a position to hire you, why risk offending the people you’ve been paid to impress?

Keep your opinions about sex, politics, and religion to yourself. You’re there to unite, not to divide.

What you personally find acceptable doesn’t matter.

You never know who’s in the audience.

And you’re being paid to make it all about them.