If you asked me a question—a deep or complex question—and I shot back a quick answer, you might conclude that I didn’t care enough to think about what you wanted to know.

On the other hand, if I paused and closed my eyes or looked off to the left for a few moments before answering, you’d know I was taking you and your question seriously and trying to offer value.

It works the same way with an audience.

Before you drop your killer opening line, share a power pause.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, wait for the applause to stop, and then begin.

That power pause tells your audience you care, that you’ll be delivering your talk with intention and conviction

And like it does for an athlete poised at the edge of a diving board or ski ramp, the power pause gives you a moment to center and calm yourself—to prepare yourself to give your best.


Sometimes the most powerful moments in a talk happen when we’re not saying anything.

Try a power pause before your next speech and watch the impact on the room and on yourself.