
The Speaker’s Real Job

  What is the speaker's real job? We’ve seen it too many times: A dynamic, charismatic speaker gets the audience…

6 months ago

Never Play the Victim Card

Keep your poor me stories off the stage. My friend Tony showed me a video of a speaker who told…

12 months ago

Jazz and the Dangerous Magic of Creative Flow

Perhaps you’ve experienced flow writing. You sit down, watch your fingers tap away at the keyboard, and wonder, Where did…

1 year ago

How Good is AI at Writing Stories?

  AI Storytelling - Is it any good? I entered a simple prompt into ChatGPT. Yes, I could have been…

1 year ago

What is “Dynamic Speaking?”

We often hear about "dynamic speaking," but what does that mean? The dictionary defines "dynamics" as "the forces or properties…

1 year ago

Punch Up Your Elevator Pitch

The “elevator pitch” is an essential professional tool—a tool that should be kept razor sharp and as ready to deploy…

1 year ago

Tell Your Story Concisely!

Can you tell your story concisely? A popular anecdote about Ernest Hemingway says he made a bet with friends that…

1 year ago

Real Estate and Storytelling

Maria, a realtor attended one of my storytelling workshops at the suggestion of a mutual friend. “What does storytelling have…

2 years ago

Sell Outcomes, Not Products

Sell outcomes. The products or services you exchange at the transaction stage of a business relationship might not be the…

2 years ago

Your Unique Value Story

Imagine an event where each attendee is given a puzzle piece and directed to connect one-at-a-time with others in the…

2 years ago

Storytelling and Your Mission Statement

Anyone who questions the relationship between business and storytelling need look no farther than the humble corporate mission statement.  …

2 years ago

Another Customer Service Horror Story

Do you have a customer service horror story to share? What stories are you telling about yourself before you even…

2 years ago

Advertising, Business Strategy, and Storytelling

If you’re skeptical about the connection between business strategy and storytelling, consider the challenges faced by advertising agencies and marketers.…

2 years ago

The Virtuoso, the Teacher, & the Centipede

One Sunday morning not long after I had been introduced to sailing, I was enjoying a cup of coffee in…

2 years ago

Storytelling Tips: The Rush of Discovery

Storytelling tips: You’re walking along and you happen to look down. “Hey, that’s not a scrap of paper; that’s a…

3 years ago

My Club Got a One-Star Review

How do you handle a one-star review? Capable leaders are adept at untangling the many stories that compete for attention…

3 years ago

Sexual Harassment – Rewriting the Story

Is sexual harassment a problem, or a symptom of a larger, deeper issue? The answer depends on the stories we…

3 years ago

Superhero Stories

When I was young, I collected superhero stories and comic books. I was fascinated by the exploits of the same…

3 years ago

Problem-Solving & Storytelling: Understand Their Story

Use storytelling for problem-solving. Think about the various stories involved in a conflict and plot a course for resolution. Seen…

3 years ago

Potent Verbs Spice Up Your Storytelling

Verbs are the engines that move your writing, your speaking, your readers, and your audiences but many authors ands presenters don’t…

4 years ago

If I Can Do It, You Can Do It Stories: Speaking Mistakes

If I can do it, you can do it! Well … maybe. Is your story about your extraordinary personal journey?…

4 years ago

Videoconferencing: 11 Tips You Haven’t Seen (But Should)

You’ve already read at least a dozen articles about ZOOM and videoconferencing that remind you to mute yourself when you’re…

4 years ago

Public Speaking Tip: Speechcrafting Goes Beyond Speechwriting

Speechcrafting is a special discipline of which speechwriting is but a single element. The effective speechcrafting professional understands the art…

4 years ago

Storytelling and The Avant Garde

An accomplished jazz musician, educator, and friend pointed out that too many virtuosic young players blow a lot of noisy…

5 years ago

Public Speaking Tip: Speaking is a Service Industry

Speakers are commonly asked, “What’s your topic?” or “What’s your message?” Such questions may sound intuitively reasonable but they lead…

5 years ago

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