
Publishing Straight Talk

There are plenty of good reasons to self-publish, but not all are profit-oriented or even rational. Before you invest in…

4 weeks ago

Want a Traditional Publishing Contract? Do Your Homework

This article discusses the pros and cons of traditional publishing. Abandon your biases, study the business of publishing, and choose…

4 weeks ago

Publishing Scams and How they Work

Many self-publishers start their book projects with unrealistic expectations and misunderstandings about how publishing works. A huge industry has arisen…

4 weeks ago

Book Giveaways: Are They Worth it?

Should you give away books for free? The value of book giveaways can't be assessed by formula. The prevailing mythology…

4 weeks ago

Writing Ergonomics: Avoiding Injury at Your Desk

This article explores ergonomic solutions to writers’ repetitive stress problems. As static as it may seem, writing is a physically…

4 weeks ago

How to Produce Audiobooks with Amazon ACX

This article explains how to produce and market a professional quality audiobook using Amazon ACX. Through ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange),…

4 weeks ago

Not Selling Books? Did you do the Math?

You threw a grand party but nobody came. Your novel is so good but you're not selling books. What happened?…

4 weeks ago

Book Cover Typefaces and Cover Design Horror Stories

I recently responded to a question in a writers’ forum from an author who was in the process of designing…

4 weeks ago

Co-Publishing – Alternative Path or Another Trap for Writers?

I recently published a post about the difference between vanity publishing and true self-publishing. Fundamentally, the article defines a publisher…

4 weeks ago

Reality Checklist for Self-Publishers

One question that loops endlessly on writers’ forums is “How can I sell more books?” The question is a natural…

4 weeks ago

Self-Publishing & Vanity Publishing: Confuse Them and Pay the Price

What is true self-publishing? What is the difference between self-publishing and “vanity publishing” or “subsidy publishing?” How do these differ…

4 weeks ago

Indie Publishers, Bookstores and Readers – the Indie Ecosystem

Indie publishers are everywhere and so are indie bookstores, but apart from their names, the two have little in common.…

4 weeks ago

Self-Publishing IS Real Publishing-The Difference is up to You

The notion of real publishing­ as opposed to self-publ­ishing and the stigma surrounding it is obsolete. I have no objections…

4 weeks ago

Book Distributors: What’s in it for Publishers?

There is a direct relationship between the number of sales you can expect from a book distributor and the value-added…

4 weeks ago

Self-Publishing? Get Real(istic)!

There are plenty of good reasons to self-publish, but not all are profit-oriented or even rational. Before you invest in…

4 weeks ago

Speakipedia Podcast #8: Maureen Mahoney

Transcript Dave Bricker (00:05) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia…

1 month ago

Terms and Conditions

Speakipedia Affiliate Program Terms of Service Agreement By signing up to be an Affiliate in the Speakipedia Affiliate Program ("Program")…

1 month ago

Publishing a Book: Beware of Vanity Publishers

Here's a useful definition. Think of a publisher as an individual or entity that assumes the financial risk for a…

2 months ago

Join Us

This page and the content has been automatically generated for you to give you a basic idea of how a…

3 months ago

Famous Speeches: Patrick Henry “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”

(366 words) Patrick Henry gave his famous speech to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775, at St. John’s…

6 months ago

Famous Speeches: John F. Kennedy “Inaugural Address”

(378 words) In his 1961 inaugural address, John F. Kennedy challenged America to join him in the struggle for freedom…

6 months ago

Find The Phrase that Pays

Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” Why is it that some words naturally stick…

6 months ago

How to Negotiate with a Speaker?

How do you negotiate with a speaker? What if you find just the right speaker for your conference and then…

6 months ago

Get Over Your Fear of Selling

We’re all fed up with being sold to by irritating “click my BUY button” marketers, and this leads many of…

6 months ago

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