

Ethos—a rhetorical device that refers to the credibility or ethical appeal of the speaker.  Ethos is crucial to persuading an…

3 weeks ago


Along with ethos and pathos, logos is one of the three classical persuasive techniques. Logos appeals to logic and reason.…

3 weeks ago


Rhetoric is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, particularly the use of figures of speech and other…

3 weeks ago


Pathos, a rhetorical tool used to appeal to the audience's emotions, often to persuade or move them to action. That…

3 weeks ago

Terms and Conditions

Speakipedia Affiliate Program Terms of Service Agreement By signing up to be an Affiliate in the Speakipedia Affiliate Program ("Program")…

1 month ago

Protect Your Ideas: Trademarks

Trademarks are registered for names and logos associated with specific purposes. For example, my StorySailing® name is trademarked and the…

5 months ago

Protect Your Ideas: Copyright

Ideas are “intellectual property.” I.P. includes print-based material like books and articles and scripts, music and video, and also logos…

5 months ago

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Ethos, pathos, and logos combine to form a mode of persuasion that has ancient roots. Ethos appeals to the credibility…

6 months ago

Speaking Vocabulary

Words and Terms related to speaking and speechwriting: Adynaton [ad-uh-NAY-ton]: A form of hyperbole in which the exaggeration is so…

6 months ago

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