
Simulating the Appearance of Traditional Print

Digital typography offers capabilities that printers working with hot lead type and wood type could only dream of. Digital type…

3 weeks ago

Book Cover Design: Judging a Book by its Cover – Part 3

This third installment of Judging a Book by its Cover looks at great book cover designs that won the 2012…

3 weeks ago

Blogging to Build a Speaker or Author Platform

How can speakers, indie writers, and self-publishers use a blog to build a platform? This article explains how to publish…

3 weeks ago


Chiasmus, pronounced ky-AZ-mus.  Chiasmus is a rhetorical device in which two or more clauses are balanced against each other by…

3 weeks ago


Exordium—the introductory part of a speech, where you set the stage and prepare your audience for what’s to come. The…

3 weeks ago


Epistrophe is used to emphasize a point and create a memorable rhythm in speech. A classic example comes from Abraham…

3 weeks ago


Dysphemism is the use of a harsh or more offensive word instead of a more polite or agreeable one. It's…

3 weeks ago


A motif is a recurring theme, subject, or idea that appears throughout a literary work, which helps to develop the…

3 weeks ago


Peroration refers to the concluding part of a speech, designed to inspire enthusiasm and drive home the speaker's key points…

3 weeks ago

Speakipedia Podcast #6
Fabio Marques

  Dave Bricker (00:02) This is Speakipedia Media brought to you by Want to expand your speaking and storytelling…

1 month ago

William Lyon Phelps: A Borrowed Book

(419 words) William Lyon Phelps (1865-1943) was an American educator, literary critic and author. On April 6, 1933, in response…

5 months ago

Speaking Tip: Don’t Leave the Stage Until the Clapping Stops

Don’t Leave the Stage Until the Clapping Stops. I’ve done it. Most experienced professionals have done it. (sounds of applause)…

6 months ago

Publish a Book as a Business Card

I’ve written and published 14 books… And as far as book sales go, that’s made me tens of dollars. Two…

6 months ago

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