
Want a Traditional Publishing Contract? Do Your Homework

This article discusses the pros and cons of traditional publishing. Abandon your biases, study the business of publishing, and choose…

3 weeks ago

A Manuscript is Not a Book: Ten Tips for Manuscript Preparation

In my work with writers, I come across many common technical problems with manuscripts. These usually spring from the best…

3 weeks ago

What’s a Professional Editor Worth?

What do you think a professional editor's pay scale should be? Assume that a proofreader would be at the bottom…

3 weeks ago

Co-Publishing – Alternative Path or Another Trap for Writers?

I recently published a post about the difference between vanity publishing and true self-publishing. Fundamentally, the article defines a publisher…

3 weeks ago

Reality Checklist for Self-Publishers

One question that loops endlessly on writers’ forums is “How can I sell more books?” The question is a natural…

3 weeks ago

Terms and Conditions

Speakipedia Affiliate Program Terms of Service Agreement By signing up to be an Affiliate in the Speakipedia Affiliate Program ("Program")…

4 weeks ago

Speakipedia Podcast #7:
Kelly Swanson

Transcript Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia Media…

1 month ago

Speakipedia Podcast #2:
Kay Allison

 Transcript Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia…

2 months ago

Speakipedia Podcast #1:
Bruce Turkel

 Transcript Dave Bricker (00:06) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is…

2 months ago

You’re Always On-stage; Walk the Walk!

We all get so disappointed when our favorite movie gets embroiled in some tasteless scandal. We love them so much…

5 months ago

Why Do Speakers Charge So Much?

Celebrities can charge enormous fees because people will pay to be in the same room with them, and when an…

6 months ago

Publish a Book as a Business Card

I’ve written and published 14 books… And as far as book sales go, that’s made me tens of dollars. Two…

6 months ago

How to Negotiate with a Speaker?

How do you negotiate with a speaker? What if you find just the right speaker for your conference and then…

6 months ago

How Long Does it Take to Build a Speaking Business?

How long does it take to build any business? Celebrities and rock stars may find it easy to launch an…

6 months ago

Get to the Gig … and Have a Backup Plan!

True story: Gayle’s connecting flight from Atlanta was canceled and she had to be on the stage at a conference…

6 months ago

Beware of Overnight Success Programs

Become a seven-figure speaker in seven weeks! Buy this $20,000 speaking course and earn the money back on your first…

6 months ago

What Problem Do You Solve?

So many speakers are subject matter experts …  and of course, we have to be. But if you tell people…

6 months ago

There Are No “Levels”

Are you stuck? How will you ever get to the next level? The concept of levels is a direct assault…

6 months ago

Running Overtime is a Rookie Mistake

No big deal if you run over, right? That’s just more value the audience will get for the same fee.…

6 months ago

Practice Big and Then Tone it Down

Speaking is theater but many speakers are afraid they’ll look “theatrical” or “over-the-top.” They hold themselves back and stay in…

6 months ago

Choose the Right Speaking Business Model for You

Keynoting: Many people associate “speaking” with standing on a stage in front of an auditorium full of people, but there…

6 months ago

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