customer service

Take the CUSS Out of Customer Service!

  Everyone thinks they know what good customer service is. We’ve all had bad customer service—a waiter who won’t bring…

2 months ago

If You Think SALES is a Dirty Word…

Do you think sales is a dirty word? Many of us think that way … and given all the tacky…

1 year ago

Storytelling and Your Mission Statement

Anyone who questions the relationship between business and storytelling need look no farther than the humble corporate mission statement.  …

2 years ago

Another Customer Service Horror Story

Do you have a customer service horror story to share? What stories are you telling about yourself before you even…

2 years ago

Selling the Story: Storytelling for Skeptics

“Storytelling…? I don’t know.” A troubled look flashed across Sally’s face. “You'll have a hard time selling me on your…

3 years ago

Are Your Messages Missing the Mark?

Are your messages missing the mark? Are your stories clear and accurate or are your meanings lost in translation? The…

3 years ago

Problem-Solving & Storytelling: Understand Their Story

Use storytelling for problem-solving. Think about the various stories involved in a conflict and plot a course for resolution. Seen…

3 years ago

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