
Want Great Art from AI? Be an Art Director!

If you don’t collaborate with AI, you end up with what AI can do by itself—which is often less-than-satisfying, or…

3 weeks ago

They Don’t Have a Clue!

  They don't have a clue! In 1991, I sailed a wooden boat 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean.  During…

1 year ago

Punch Up Your Pitch With Storytelling

You’ve been asked to pitch a big project. You and your teammates Shelly and Barbara sit at your conference table…

2 years ago

Lost and Found Losers

Lost and found items create logistical challenges, but stories are always about people. The story of how (or whether) a…

2 years ago

Selling the Story: Storytelling for Skeptics

“Storytelling…? I don’t know.” A troubled look flashed across Sally’s face. “You'll have a hard time selling me on your…

4 years ago

Videoconferencing: 11 Tips You Haven’t Seen (But Should)

You’ve already read at least a dozen articles about ZOOM and videoconferencing that remind you to mute yourself when you’re…

5 years ago

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