
How Airlines Fumbled the Story and Lost

Are airlines greedy?  Effective and authentic business storytelling would have led us to form a better impression.  Remember when we…

1 month ago

Punch Up Your Pitch With Storytelling

You’ve been asked to pitch a big project. You and your teammates Shelly and Barbara sit at your conference table…

2 years ago

Put a Price on Your Passion

How do you put a price on your passion? How can you charge a fair-but-high price for your services?  …

2 years ago

Conflict: Sailing the Storms of Life and Business

In storms of life and business, it requires immense energy to sustain conflict. Dangerous and destructive forces require attention and—at…

3 years ago

Storytelling and Your Mission Statement

Anyone who questions the relationship between business and storytelling need look no farther than the humble corporate mission statement.  …

3 years ago

Advertising, Business Strategy, and Storytelling

If you’re skeptical about the connection between business strategy and storytelling, consider the challenges faced by advertising agencies and marketers.…

3 years ago

The Virtuoso, the Teacher, & the Centipede

One Sunday morning not long after I had been introduced to sailing, I was enjoying a cup of coffee in…

3 years ago

Public Speaking Tip: Speechcrafting Goes Beyond Speechwriting

Speechcrafting is a special discipline of which speechwriting is but a single element. The effective speechcrafting professional understands the art…

5 years ago

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