call to action

Elevator Pitch Witch

by Dave Bricker Explore this soon-to-be-released Speakipedia AI tool. Load one of the demos and view the AI-generated results. Get…

2 weeks ago

Maybe It’s What You Want But…

To continue with the theme of “Get Rid of Your I-Infection,” how many message do you receive that begin with…

2 weeks ago


Climax.  Yeah, we all know what that is … but in the context of storytelling and public speaking, a climax…

3 weeks ago


Peroration refers to the concluding part of a speech, designed to inspire enthusiasm and drive home the speaker's key points…

3 weeks ago

Speakipedia Podcast # 4:
Rosemary Ravinal

Transcript Dave Bricker (00:07) Want to expand your speaking and storytelling skills and grow your influence business? This is Speakipedia…

2 months ago

How to Structure a Speech Part 4: Final Details.

In part one, you define the outcome, the transformation. In part two, you mapped out the road to get there.…

3 months ago

Want to Persuade? Use the CAST Call System

The Golden Rule of Storytelling tells us that stories are always about people—and not about prices, processes, ingredients, or data.…

6 months ago

The Call to Action

So many speakers offer wonderful advice … And then they forget to Kick ASK! What is it we’re supposed to…

6 months ago

Storytelling Mistakes: The Data Dump

WordPress is a content-management platform used to drive over 455 million websites. Written with open-source technologies like PHP and MySQL,…

6 months ago

Beginnings and Endings

The two most important parts of a speech are the beginning and the ending. We need to engage the audience…

6 months ago

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