
A Story of Steve Jobs, Creativity, Balance, and Success

“People from technology don't understand the creative process … companies go through to make their products, and they don't appreciate…

22 hours ago

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

When the urge to gripe arises, consider that no matter what dark clouds may loom on the horizon, you threaded…

7 months ago

Sound Advice for Writers & Publishers

The following advice on writing and publishing is based on my own experiences and those of my clients. I hope…

2 years ago

Confirmation Bias: Storytelling at Your front Door

We give more weight to evidence that supports what we like—a phenomenon called, “confirmation bias.” Belief is often based as…

2 years ago

Storytelling and Your Mission Statement

Anyone who questions the relationship between business and storytelling need look no farther than the humble corporate mission statement.  …

2 years ago

Don’t Hire Experts and Tell Them What to Do!

Too many professionals buy the story that expertise is a commodity: Hire an expert, tell them what to do, and…

4 years ago

Speak Standing Up!

I’ve been videoconferencing for years; this will be easy! I thought as I began my first virtual speech. When it…

4 years ago

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