Syllogism is a form of logical reasoning where a conclusion is drawn from two given or assumed propositions.

A classic example:

Major premise: ‘All men are mortal.’
Minor premise: ‘Socrates is a man.’
Conclusion: ‘Therefore, Socrates is mortal.’

Syllogisms are fundamental in constructing logical arguments. They are widely used in debates and persuasive speaking to support claims through deductive reasoning.

Some speakers use false syllogisms to persuade their audiences to buy their programs.

“You’ve been working on your for how many years?”
“And how far along are you? You’ve made progress but are you anywhere near where you want to be?”
“Where do you think you’ll be two years from now?”
“Three years from now?”
“Will you reach your goal?”
“What if I told you I could get you there in a year or less?”

We know how this goes. Now you’re in against yourself and you’re losing. The false logic says your entrepreneurial journey is hopeless—unless, of course, you buy the miracle cure today.

No one loves their overnight success program in the morning.

Other syllogisms are reasonable:

“You’re about public speaking so you never give presentations?”
“That’s understandable but if you never speak, how will you ever gain ?”
“Does it make sense to join a Club” where you can learn to speak in a safe and supportive environment?”

And that last line—”Does it make sense to…” is a powerful way to end a syllogistic argument.

Ask your listeners to evaluate your logic and take action.