Many of us can recite poems and lyrics we first heard when we were children. Rhythm and rhyme are beyond .

So why don't we use them more often when we speak?

I was bored with my elevator and since the round-robin introductions had begun, I put together a simple rhyme.

And then it was my turn to introduce myself:

Are your messages deflecting or connecting? I'm Dave and storytelling expert. If you want to say it, share it, or sell it, bring me your ; I'll help you tell it.

What happened next floored me!

The room went silent for a few moments and then everyone broke into .

And after the , several people came up to me, told me they loved my elevator , and recited the last line back to me:

If you want to say it, share it, or sell it, bring me your ; I'll help you tell it.

There's no law that says you can't deliver a whole speech in rhyme.

Why not?

Rhyme a line. Compose a rap
Make the audience's fingers snap
Make it lengthy. Make it terse
Be mindful of the power of verse!