Running Overtime is a Rookie Mistake

No big deal if you run over, right?

That's just more value the audience will get for the same fee.

Wrong. Think again.

Running overtime is a big rookie mistake.

Let's say the you're speaking at a $100,000 celebrity to close the event…

You'll be speaking right before them.

If you run 15 minutes over, that's 15 minutes of stolen from the closing .

In this case, that's $25,000 they got paid while the audience listened to you.

Now how mch value did they get from your generous overtime ?

That now has to worry about shortening their and still getting their point across.

They'll have to up a bit and probably skip a or two.

And hopefully—hopefully—they're as professional at speaking as they are popular and successful. Many celebrity speakers aren't.

When it comes to making things happen on , event organizers have enough to worry about without speakers playing fast and loose with the schedule.

Start on-.

Finish on-time.

Running over is a big rookie mistake.



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