A monologue is a long speech given by one person..

In a theatrical context, a monologue allows a character to reveal their innermost thoughts, such as in Hamlet’s ‘To be or not to be…’ soliloquy.

In public speaking, a monologue might come across in a keynote address where the speaker delves into a topic at length.

This video is actually a monologue—one person—me—explaining the word of the week.

I’m not having a conversation on-camera with anyone else—that would be a dialogue.

Monologues offer a powerful way to connect with an audience, allowing the speaker to convey deep insights or emotions without interruption.

Actors memorize monologues to use at auditions. Speakers can learn much by doing the same.

What could gain by learning passages from Martin Luther King Jr, Lincoln, or Churchill?

When crafting a monologue, focus on maintaining engagement through dynamic expression and pacing, to ensure your audience stays captivated by your words.