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If I Can Do It, You Can Do It Stories: Speaking Mistakes — 2 Comments

  1. I have had the privilege of hearing many well known speakers telling their stories. at a Jim Rohn seminar he told us about how he grew up on a ferm in Idaho until someone shset him on the right path. I heard Zig Ziglar in Dallas speaking about a difficult childhood that he managed to overcome. Les brown in Louisville about how he was made to believe he was un-educational until his teacher got him to believe in himself. In San Diego Tony Roberts told us how he lived in a tiny apartment in Venice, Santa Monica, then he attended a Jim Rohn seminar, and later I heard Jim tell us hoe the student had become better than the master. I tell my audience how I suffered from contracting Polio as a child and then at age 21 I became our country’s Light weight Judo Champ. Stories should be used as illustrations to inspire and motivate us to believe in ourselves and much more. Could say more examples but Toastmasters has taught me that sometimes we can say more by speaking less

  2. Dear Dave a terrible week for me whoops let me just say challenging week for me But is one one of your best stories really picked up my hours: like listen to that wind ? In your tlisteners sails. be careful of making if I can do ITIiiyou can do it yourself into the hero rather than inspiring your listeners I learn something from every
    Edition. Thank fyou. Best. Ricki PS t cap And Punctuati lerrors m bc I’m speaking in Plllto the mike as my hand hb make typing very Poor. Have a good one stay safe on land andA ??✍?✍??‍♀️