Selling makes many of us uncomfortable.

We receive thousands of BMS (Buy My Stuff) emails, and the last thing we want is to be part of a captive audience, forced to listen as a speaker closes their program with a special, today-only, super-duper, exclusive offer.

At the same time, we want audiences to buy our programs, engage us as consultants, and park their yachts in our income streams.

How can we sell from the stage without being off-putting or obnoxious?

First, wow your audience. Make sure they leave inspired. Give them good ideas and make them think.

Second, don’t overfeed your viewers. I’ve given so many programs where everyone said “Thank you! Great presentation!”

And then they left.

I’d given them months’ worth of ideas to think about.

Nobody wants to buy dessert when the dinner is too big to finish.

The answer lies in smaller portions and bigger food.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say my buddy Kinch wants more guitar students.

He could show an audience how to tune a guitar, demonstrate various styles and techniques, and discuss the history of the instrument.

By the end of the , we’d feel like we’d heard some good and learned a few fun facts.

And then we’d go home satisfied.

But what if Kinch showed a rank beginner how to improvise a solo right there on stage?

What if he made a few people in the room think, I never imagined myself playing but that looks like fun. Maybe this is something I should do!

Every he presented, a few people would come up to him at the end to ask about lessons and programs.

And those are the people he’d teach about tuning and theory and picking technique and all the details.

As for the selling part, Kinch wouldn’t have to say a thing.

The could let the audience know that Kinch runs a guitar program and that he’ll be around afterward if anyone has questions.


Perfect !

Begging never helped a relationship.

Small, high-quality portions are the best way to sell from the stage while still leaving your diners craving coffee and dessert.