How to Evaluate a Speech

If you want to become a great musician listen to great .

If you want to become a great listen to great speeches.

So what makes up a great speech?

Here are a few things to look for:

One: The speech has to be about something, and that something has to be relevant to you. Even if you're enjoying a drastic , if you're a few minutes in and you don't know what value the intends to offer, you may be watching a lecture and not a speech.

Lecturers deliver information

Speakers deliver .

Two: Assuming that the speech was set up to be relevant, did it deliver on its promise? So many speakers start off heading to point A and somewhere along they way, they get distracted. They may make a good point at the end but if it's not the one they were supposed to make, the speech needs some work.

Three: Was the dynamic—not just loud and emphatic but dynamic—changing? Did they use their FM radio DJ voice the whole or did they vary their , their , their , their ? A speech might be well-written but without dynamic delivery, it will only have so much impact?

Four: Correct language is important. Were there grammatical mistakes? I heard a speaker ask if an idea “resignated” with the audience. He meant “resonate.” To “resignate” means to force someone to resign or quit. That's the opposite of what the speaker intended. Another speaker told the audience about the “contraptions” she experienced before her baby was born!

Five: How many times did the speaker use the word “I” compared to the word “you?” The I-infection is a common killer.

Clarity of purpose, to the audience, dynamic delivery, correct , and you-focused language are five hallmarks of a good speech.

You'll find many more but if you start with these, you'll find opportunities to improve your skills with every speech you hear.

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