
is the use of a harsh or more offensive word instead of a more polite or agreeable one. It's the opposite of a and is often used to shock or emphasize negativity.

In storytelling or speech, dysphemisms can be used to create a stark or to convey strong emotions. 

Referring to a ‘shack' instead of ‘humble home' can color your audience's perception.

A character might say, ‘He's not thrifty; he's a cheapskate,' to emphasize disdain or judgment.

Someone—not you of course—who wanted to use a , might call this series “words FOR the weak” instead of “words OF the week.” 

can express strong disapproval or paint a picture of severity and urgency. 

Use this device appropriately to avoid offending your audience. No one appreciates a victim or a blamer on-stage.

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