In many businesses, the is cutthroat.

That's much less so in the speaking .

Whatever your speaking topic may be, chances are good that you won't be the only person in your lane.

I speak about storytelling and I can rattle off the names of a number of excellent speakers who also talk about storytelling.

And if there's a selection process, we all hope to be the one who comes out on top and gets booked.

But that's where the ends.

Some of my fellow storytelling speakers have become friends and .

I've helped to edit their and materials.

We've shared ideas and advice on calls.

I've read some of their and attended some of their programs.

And not of them ever said, “I can't help you, Dave. You're my .”

Conflict is an unproductive energy-suck.

Help your competitors shine and don't be surprised when that buys you support, friendship, ideas, strategies, and referrals.