
Yeah, we all know what that is … but in the context of storytelling and public speaking, a climax is the moment of greatest tension or conflict, where the stakes are highest and the outcome is decided.

It’s the peak of the story’s action or the speech’s argument, and it’s crucial for maintaining audience interest and delivering a powerful impact.

In a crime novel, the climax often reveals the perpetrator, which resolves the central conflict of the story.

In a motivational speech, the climax might be a stirring call to action, pushing the audience toward a decision to change their behavior.

When preparing your presentations or stories, building up to a strong climax will keep your audience engaged and make your message more memorable.

Gradually increase the stakes until the final, pivotal moment.

To use the metaphor we’ve been skirting around, in a speech, an early climax can ruin the interaction. If you reveal your point too soon or tell your biggest story first, there’s no way for the energy to go but down.

Effective speakers build the energy and wait until the end to deliver the final call to action, the end of the story, or the big reveal.

And this is that climax!