
Clever is the New Currency

Not so long ago, was currency. Your ideas, experiences, opinions, eloquence, education, and advice established you as a thought leader.

Now, with the help of , any fifth grader can publish an articulate and accurate on particle physics.

Massive inflation in the information economy driven by makes a worthless currency.

Moreover, as ideators and creators, we must compete with every day. It no longer matters if your recent post is at the “top” of the search results. AI-generated answers will still be (much) higher on the page than your well-considered post.

Is there any value left in search engine optimization?

How can we compete with AI?

How can we become thought leaders despite information inflation?

As human creators, we trade not only in information but in insights, ideas, metaphors, , innuendo, and the visceral nature of —all elements that are as difficult to simulate as they are to define.

Clever is the new currency.

The good news is that AI has no ego—no dark desire to bring about the demise of innovators, thinkers, and creators. Its presence at the top of Google Search Results pages is the result of human decision-making.

And if we are clever about what we ask AI to do—if we ask it smart questions and push it to deliver meaningful responses—it will dutifully help us…

As I was saying, AI will dutifully help us sharpen our strategies, deepen our understanding, and refine our vision.

Say H.I. to A.I.

With a healthy dose of Human Intelligence (HI) to guide it, AI will help us expand our impact.

Before the end of August 2024, I’ll launch a set of nine online tools that were created to accomplish that very task. All were created with a combination of Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence to amplify and your ideas, and help you get meaningful, personalized responses from your favorite AI.

Explore the demonstrations here, and stay tuned for a regular Monday series entitled (you guessed it) Say HI to AI on the Speakipedia YouTube Channel.

Stop worrying about whether AI will replace you. Instead, on discovering how to use AI creatively to ensure you are irreplaceable.

Dave Bricker

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