So many presenters miss the opportunity to engage their audiences with dialogue. Speaking is live performance; why share the words as written prose? Consider this dialogue excerpt from Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath: “If you wanta pull in here an’ camp it’ll …More ☛
Are airlines greedy? Effective and authentic business storytelling would have led us to form a better impression. Remember when we used to get two checked bags with every airline ticket? And then those greedy bastards started tacking on additional fees! …More ☛
For decades, FM radio stations served as the primary outlet for major record labels to promote their artists. Radio listeners visited brick-and-mortar music stores to purchase records, tapes, and CDs. For a while, M-TV joined the party. Then the …More ☛
If you’re hoping to have mainstream bookstore distribution, using a Vanity Press may present some obstacles. Book buyers will likely tell you, “your book may be excellent, but you’re using a Vanity Publisher and the vast majority of their books …More ☛