
Storytelling Mistakes: Pit of Despair Stories

Here’s a simple rule: If you bring your audience into darkness, bring them back into the light. Not every story…

6 months ago

Storytelling Mistakes: The Data Dump

WordPress is a content-management platform used to drive over 455 million websites. Written with open-source technologies like PHP and MySQL,…

6 months ago

Stories Are Everywhere!

Many speakers tell stories of adventure, of tragedy, of fall, and redemption. But what if you’ve lived a fairly uneventful…

6 months ago

Speechwriting: Rhyme

Many of us can recite poems and lyrics we first heard when we were children. Rhythm and rhyme are beyond…

6 months ago

Speechwriting: Anaphora

Anaphora is the repetition of a phrase to drive home the impact of a speech. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.…

6 months ago

Speechwriting: Alliteration

Alliteration perpetually positions presenters to produce powerful programs that inspire professionals to make progress on their paths toward prosperity. Repetitive…

6 months ago

Speaking and the Hero’s Journey

Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” model offers a story structure that’s been used to create many successful narratives. Star Wars is…

6 months ago

Open Your Speech With a Story

I said goodbye to my traveling companion, rowed back to my anchored sailboat, sat in the cockpit, and looked around…

6 months ago

Open Your Speech with a Startling Statistic

One in five Americans reads below a fifth grade level! The average person spends two years of their life on…

6 months ago

Open a Speech with Questions

One simple way to open a speech is with questions—usually three. How will you captivate your audience at the beginning…

6 months ago

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