Speaking Vocabulary


Epizeuxis is the emphatic repetition of a word, with no other words in between. It’s used to highlight a strong…

3 weeks ago


Euphony refers to the quality of being pleasing to the ear, especially through a harmonious combination of words. It's a…

3 weeks ago


Exordium—the introductory part of a speech, where you set the stage and prepare your audience for what’s to come. The…

3 weeks ago


To extemporize is to speak or perform without preparation. Essentially, it's improvising.  This skill is invaluable for speakers who need…

3 weeks ago


Epistrophe is used to emphasize a point and create a memorable rhythm in speech. A classic example comes from Abraham…

3 weeks ago


A diatribe is a forceful and bitter verbal attack. It’s often a prolonged discourse full of passion and anger, making…

3 weeks ago


Epithet—a descriptive phrase that expresses a characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.  It’s used to add to a person’s…

3 weeks ago


A demagogue is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than through rational…

3 weeks ago


Ethos—a rhetorical device that refers to the credibility or ethical appeal of the speaker.  Ethos is crucial to persuading an…

3 weeks ago


A harangue is a lengthy and aggressive speech, typically used to express a strong opinion and persuade or rally an…

3 weeks ago

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