Speaking Vocabulary


Uxorious describes a person, typically a husband, who is excessively fond of or affectionately submissive toward their wife. It's often…

3 weeks ago


Pedantic means being overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning, often emphasizing the minutiae of knowledge rather…

3 weeks ago


Foreshadowing can appear in subtle clues or explicit warnings within a dialogue, setting descriptions, or through a character’s thoughts or…

3 weeks ago


Oratory is the art of speaking. And Oratorical relates to the art or practice of public speaking. An oratorical speech…

3 weeks ago


Antimetabole—pronounced an-ti-muh-TAB-uh-lee—involves repeating words in successive clauses, but in reversed order.  Listen to Winston S. Churchill’s famous example: 'This is…

3 weeks ago


Adynaton. Pronounced ad-uh-NAY-ton, is a form of hyperbole that describes something so exaggerated, it's impossible. It's like saying, 'You'll get…

3 weeks ago


Anecdote. Technically, an anecdote is a short narrative about a real incident or person, usually intended to illustrate or support…

3 weeks ago


Catechresis.  Catechresis is a bold, often startling use of language where a word is used in a way that dramatically…

3 weeks ago


Chiasmus, pronounced ky-AZ-mus.  Chiasmus is a rhetorical device in which two or more clauses are balanced against each other by…

3 weeks ago


Circumlocution involves using unnecessarily wordy and indirect language to describe something that could be expressed more succinctly. It’s often used…

3 weeks ago

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