
News Flash! Virtual Backgrounds Don’t Work

Virtual backgrounds for on-screen meetings are very popular. Why not hide that messy bedroom and look like you’re in a…

6 months ago

Green Screen Basics

If you’re viewing this content in video format instead of reading it, you’re watching the magic of the green screen.…

6 months ago

Choose the Right Microphone

Microphones come in many varieties. Choose the right one based on your needs. Cost and Quality: Microphones can cast tens…

6 months ago


All these speaking tips—hundreds of videos. Every one of them is scripted and displayed on a teleprompter app. I don’t…

6 months ago

Don’t Eat the Microphone!

Microphones are designed to be placed a certain distance from your mouth. If you eat the microphone—if you put it…

6 months ago

Hiding Behind the Microphone (Beware the Mic Drop)

I watched a wedding guest who’d been asked to deliver a toast. As he spoke, the microphone drifted slowly down…

6 months ago

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