Book Design

Book Design Basics: Choosing a Book Font

Selecting a book font seems simple enough, but important subtleties and fine points of typography are not obvious to the…

4 months ago

Rethinking Book Cover Design

Book cover design tells the story of the story. It must convey the spirit and intentions of the author authentically,…

4 months ago

Book Design Basics: Quotation Marks and Primes

Writers often ask about the difference between "straight" or "dumb" quotation marks and traditional printers' quotes, commonly referred to as…

4 months ago

Page Layout: Illustrated Books and the Rule of Thirds

This article explores page layout strategies for books based on the Rule of Thirds. A grid system based on traditional guidelines ensures harmonious…

4 months ago

Book Cover Design: Moving from Screen to Printing Press

Once you have your book cover design looking spirited and professional on your computer screen, how can you ensure that…

4 months ago

Fine Control Over Justified Text

Page layout programs like Adobe Indesign and Quark, allow typographers to exert fine control over justified text to remove gaps…

4 months ago

Simulating the Appearance of Traditional Print

Digital typography offers capabilities that printers working with hot lead type and wood type could only dream of. Digital type…

4 months ago

Book Design Basics – Use Hyphens for Justified Type

Hyphens are an important contributor to elegant, easy-to-read typography, especially when text is fully justified as is the convention in…

4 months ago

Book Design – Revisiting Classic Layout for Print and EBooks

Book design has changed since publishing became a gigantic industry. Typesetting was once performed by trained craftsmen who apprenticed to…

4 months ago

The Grammar of Book Design

Are images analogous to words? Is what makes a sentence sound "right" the same thing that makes an image "pop"…

4 months ago

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