A Story of Steve Jobs, Creativity, Balance, and Success

1 day ago
Dave Bricker

“People from technology don't understand the creative process … companies go through to make their products, and they don't appreciate…

Take the CUSS Out of Customer Service!

1 month ago

  Everyone thinks they know what good customer service is. We’ve all had bad customer service—a waiter who won’t bring…

M&Ms, Rock Stars, and Divas

3 months ago

  What of M&Ms, rock stars, and divas? The rock band Van Halen had an infamous clause in their contract…

Every Sailor Runs Aground Sooner or Later

4 months ago

  Every sailor runs aground sooner or later! How do you know if a speaker really brings the experience they…

Zero, Infinity, and the Search for Meaning

4 months ago

13.7-billion years ago, the universe expanded from a single point. Some of the light we see in the sky took…

The Best Speakers Tell Stories About You!

5 months ago

The best speakers tell stories about YOU! A speaker walked onto the platform wearing a rugged jacket and hiking boots.…

Meeting Success is Hiding in the Light

5 months ago

Meeting success is hiding in the light. Here’s another innocent mistake so many event organizers make. True story: Joe was…

The Speaker’s Real Job

6 months ago

  What is the speaker's real job? We’ve seen it too many times: A dynamic, charismatic speaker gets the audience…

PowerPoint Mistakes: Bullet Points!

6 months ago

How deadly are your bullet points? There are seven elements that every speaker must consider when crafting a presentation: ✅…

They Don’t Have a Clue!

7 months ago

  They don't have a clue! In 1991, I sailed a wooden boat 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean.  During…

‘Twas the Month Before Christmas

7 months ago

  Here's a little holiday fun. Thanks for reading my storytelling posts. Have a safe, happy, and prosperous season. ’Twas…

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

8 months ago

When the urge to gripe arises, consider that no matter what dark clouds may loom on the horizon, you threaded…

Jazz and Musical Storytelling

9 months ago

What is musical storytelling? Many of our favorite storytellers rely on music to help them deliver their messages with impact.…

Take the Twerking Out of Networking!

10 months ago

Another agonizing networking event! You walk around the room, introduce yourself to the next stranger, ask them what they do,…

The Essential Absurdities

11 months ago

Watch a sunbeam Magic! The light reveals swirling dust, a hidden universe Slip a jar under it Close the lid…

Why AI-Generated Marketing Copy Misses the Mark

11 months ago

Is AI-Generated Marketing Copy the powerful shortcut we've been told it is? The explosive growth of online content has done…

Never Play the Victim Card

11 months ago

Keep your poor me stories off the stage. My friend Tony showed me a video of a speaker who told…

An Interview with Voice Artist Humphrey Bower

12 months ago

Find Your Voice … And Someone Else's! Do you enjoy a good audiobook as much as I do? Australian actor…

Survive and Thrive in the Land of Clocks & Calendars

1 year ago

Is your digital calendar robbing you of the time you need to be productive? Maybe the problem isn't your calendar.…

Jazz and the Dangerous Magic of Creative Flow

1 year ago

Perhaps you’ve experienced flow writing. You sit down, watch your fingers tap away at the keyboard, and wonder, Where did…

How Good is AI at Writing Stories?

1 year ago

  AI Storytelling - Is it any good? I entered a simple prompt into ChatGPT. Yes, I could have been…

What is “Dynamic Speaking?”

1 year ago

We often hear about "dynamic speaking," but what does that mean? The dictionary defines "dynamics" as "the forces or properties…

Punch Up Your Pitch With Storytelling

1 year ago

You’ve been asked to pitch a big project. You and your teammates Shelly and Barbara sit at your conference table…

If You Think SALES is a Dirty Word…

1 year ago

Do you think sales is a dirty word? Many of us think that way … and given all the tacky…

Punch Up Your Elevator Pitch

1 year ago

The “elevator pitch” is an essential professional tool—a tool that should be kept razor sharp and as ready to deploy…

Tell Your Story Concisely!

1 year ago

Can you tell your story concisely? A popular anecdote about Ernest Hemingway says he made a bet with friends that…

Illustrate Your Story with AI?

1 year ago

You've probably read about OpenAI and how artificial intelligence has come of age. It's easy enough to generate articles and…

No Response? Leave ’em Satisfied … and Hungry!

1 year ago

We all love dessert! If you dine at Seasons 52, you’ll be presented with a selection of tiny sweets at…

Change Your Pricing Story

1 year ago

  Should you charge $20 for your new book or $19.97?  Will dropping your price by three cents help you…

Shared Stories and The Next Generation

2 years ago

Hooray for Hollywood! Well … maybe; maybe not. Movies about rock stars’ journeys and superheroes (Is there really a difference?)…

Real Estate and Storytelling

2 years ago

Maria, a realtor attended one of my storytelling workshops at the suggestion of a mutual friend. “What does storytelling have…

Lost and Found Losers

2 years ago

Lost and found items create logistical challenges, but stories are always about people. The story of how (or whether) a…

You Can Keep Your Business Cards

2 years ago

I was talking with a friend at a business networking event when a man came plowing through the crowd doling…

Rewrite the Bogus Story of Happiness

2 years ago

What’s the number one cause of unhappiness?   Love?   Money?   Hunger?   Insurance companies?   The number one…

Put a Price on Your Passion

2 years ago

How do you put a price on your passion? How can you charge a fair-but-high price for your services?  …

Inspire Prospects to ASK You to Sell!

2 years ago

Inspire prospects to ask you to sell to them. Many years ago I was out sailing on Biscayne Bay with…

Sound Advice for Writers & Publishers

2 years ago

The following advice on writing and publishing is based on my own experiences and those of my clients. I hope…

Hobbyist or Professional? Be the Best in the World.

2 years ago

Hobbyist or professional? True professionals dedicate their lives to being the best in the world at whatever they do—not some…

Conflict: Sailing the Storms of Life and Business

2 years ago

In storms of life and business, it requires immense energy to sustain conflict. Dangerous and destructive forces require attention and—at…

Sell Outcomes, Not Products

2 years ago

Sell outcomes. The products or services you exchange at the transaction stage of a business relationship might not be the…

Your Unique Value Story

2 years ago

Imagine an event where each attendee is given a puzzle piece and directed to connect one-at-a-time with others in the…

Confirmation Bias: Storytelling at Your front Door

2 years ago

We give more weight to evidence that supports what we like—a phenomenon called, “confirmation bias.” Belief is often based as…

Storytelling and Your Mission Statement

2 years ago

Anyone who questions the relationship between business and storytelling need look no farther than the humble corporate mission statement.  …

Reading Aloud Doesn’t Have to Be Boring

2 years ago

Keep your lis­ten­ers’ at­ten­tion while read­ing aloud. The host an­nounces the next au­thor. She walks to the lectern, of­fers a…

Another Customer Service Horror Story

2 years ago

Do you have a customer service horror story to share? What stories are you telling about yourself before you even…

Advertising, Business Strategy, and Storytelling

2 years ago

If you’re skeptical about the connection between business strategy and storytelling, consider the challenges faced by advertising agencies and marketers.…

Shipwrecks, Reefs, and Stories About You

2 years ago

Shipwrecks are the ultimate symbols of massive failure. Building and operating a ship is an enormous enterprise that requires people, money,…

The Virtuoso, the Teacher, & the Centipede

2 years ago

One Sunday morning not long after I had been introduced to sailing, I was enjoying a cup of coffee in…

Storytelling Tips: The Rush of Discovery

2 years ago

Storytelling tips: You’re walking along and you happen to look down. “Hey, that’s not a scrap of paper; that’s a…

My Club Got a One-Star Review

3 years ago

How do you handle a one-star review? Capable leaders are adept at untangling the many stories that compete for attention…

River Stories

3 years ago

River stories: Numerous stories have been written about rivers. We all have rivers to cross. Metaphorical rivers represent both the…

Sea Stories: Do You Trust Your Compass?

3 years ago

Do you trust your compass? Finding your way in life, business, and traffic is a challenge. The easiest way to…

Storytelling Straight Talk: Humility Kills Conviction

3 years ago

Leaders write and speak with conviction. Bold writing is not arrogant. Readers and audiences know that your words are a…

Phil Woods: Is Your Work Beneath You?

3 years ago

I was frustrated the other day, thinking about how I need a better computer. Some of my software is out…

Sexual Harassment – Rewriting the Story

3 years ago

Is sexual harassment a problem, or a symptom of a larger, deeper issue? The answer depends on the stories we…

Be an Effective Storyteller. Try Story Listening

3 years ago

Storytelling is a powerful tool, but no one ever talks about story listening. Have you ever been with a friend,…

Another Boring Speaker! The Problem and How to Fix It.

3 years ago

“This should be a great presentation,” said Jess as we walked into the Chamber of Commerce breakfast and grabbed a…

Superhero Stories

3 years ago

When I was young, I collected superhero stories and comic books. I was fascinated by the exploits of the same…

Selling the Story: Storytelling for Skeptics

3 years ago

“Storytelling…? I don’t know.” A troubled look flashed across Sally’s face. “You'll have a hard time selling me on your…

Story Themes: The Unlikely Teacher

3 years ago

The unlikely teacher is one of my favorite story themes,  partially because I’ve been fortunate to have had wonderful, unlikely…

Are Your Messages Missing the Mark?

3 years ago

Are your messages missing the mark? Are your stories clear and accurate or are your meanings lost in translation? The…

Stuck in the Wrong Story? Need a Bigger Bucket?

3 years ago

Getting stuck in the wrong story can feel productive, but it traps us in conflict and prevents us from reaching…

Problem-Solving & Storytelling: Understand Their Story

3 years ago

Use storytelling for problem-solving. Think about the various stories involved in a conflict and plot a course for resolution. Seen…

Tempest in the Lizard Kingdom: A True Christmas Tale

4 years ago

In 1989, as a 25-year-old sailing solo on a 26-foot sailboat, I spent a surreal Christmas weathering a North Atlantic…

Pitch Trolls in the NidekniL Marketplace

4 years ago

Nideknil Marketplace was all hustle and bustle. Colorful signs above the merchant stalls proclaimed the advantages of endless products and…

I-We-You. Tips for Speakers and Writers

4 years ago

I-We-You. You’re addressing an audience. When should you switch from the inclusive “we” to the more personal “you?” When is…

Home Economics and the “New Normal”

4 years ago

Getting Forward to New Normal Retailers have been hit hard by COVID19. Foot traffic is down and online retailers are…

Don’t Hire Experts and Tell Them What to Do!

4 years ago

Too many professionals buy the story that expertise is a commodity: Hire an expert, tell them what to do, and…

Who Are You to Judge?

4 years ago

Have you ever been disappointed with a judge's call—in a courtroom, on a ball field, or in a contest? Who…

Potent Verbs Spice Up Your Storytelling

4 years ago

Verbs are the engines that move your writing, your speaking, your readers, and your audiences but many authors ands presenters don’t…

Is Your Story Big Enough?

4 years ago

Is your story big enough? The following passage from The Story Story describes a common speaker’s dilemma. Too many meaningful…

If I Can Do It, You Can Do It Stories: Speaking Mistakes

4 years ago

If I can do it, you can do it! Well … maybe. Is your story about your extraordinary personal journey?…

How Do Stories Work?

4 years ago

How do stories work? You knew that movie was going to stink as soon as you got through the opening…

Who’s Your Meeting Monster?

4 years ago

What is a meeting monster? My daughter asked me to spend some time with her. “I can’t right now,” I…

Leaf-Blowers, and COVID-19

4 years ago

I’m that annoying neighbor—the bad guy—the one who’s always complaining about my rights … . or at least that’s the…

Speak Standing Up!

4 years ago

I’ve been videoconferencing for years; this will be easy! I thought as I began my first virtual speech. When it…

Videoconferencing: 11 Tips You Haven’t Seen (But Should)

4 years ago

You’ve already read at least a dozen articles about ZOOM and videoconferencing that remind you to mute yourself when you’re…

Public Speaking Tip: Body Language and Spoken Language

4 years ago

Body language and spoken language: Combine them strategically to enhance audience engagement. In my 2019 Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest entry,…

Public Speaking Tip: Speechcrafting Goes Beyond Speechwriting

4 years ago

Speechcrafting is a special discipline of which speechwriting is but a single element. The effective speechcrafting professional understands the art…

Stone Soup

4 years ago

A little storytelling fun: a poem by yours truly. The title is a reference to the traditional Stone Soup folktale.…

Storytelling and The Avant Garde

5 years ago

An accomplished jazz musician, educator, and friend pointed out that too many virtuosic young players blow a lot of noisy…

Public Speaking Tip: Use Your Full Speaking Range

5 years ago

Speaking range is as important to a presentation as musical range is to performance. Actors refer to the combination of…

Public Speaking Tip: Speaking is a Service Industry

5 years ago

Speakers are commonly asked, “What’s your topic?” or “What’s your message?” Such questions may sound intuitively reasonable but they lead…

The “Become a Millionaire Speaker” Story

5 years ago

A friend asked if he should take a day off work to attend a free “Become a Millionaire Speaker or…

The Time and Tempo of Storytelling

5 years ago

Great storytellers are masters of time and tempo. What is this mysterious thing called “time?” Does it flow at the…

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