Become a seven-figure speaker in seven weeks!
Buy this $20,000 speaking course and earn the money back on your first engagement.
Yeah, right!
If it was that easy, we’d all just pony up the money and start raking in the big keynote fees!
So many people have ideas to share, and an army of charlatans has risen up to prey on their dreams.
Overnight success is a rare commodity—and it’s usually not one you can purchase.
If you want to become a successful speaker, stop throwing money at the problem.
Join Toastmasters and your local National Speakers Association or GSF Affiliate chapter.
Find friends and mentors in the business.
Research and write about your topic as if you wanted to put a PhD program into shame.
Take the journey.
Learn the business.
Make the connections.
Acquire the skills.
And beware of overnight success programs!