A rider is a document that addresses additional details, conditions, or terms of a contract. Copy and adapt this “ Rider” to suit your lighting, audio, and technology requirements. Mention it during your pre- planning session to ensure it’s been read and understood so you can avoid surprises when you arrive at the event venue. (Change the dietary requirements or you might end up eating like I do!)

Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your event! I will work for you and with you to ensure your attendees have the best possible . Count on me to deliver an outstanding .

Room setup has a substantial impact on the audience’s . I am committed to working within any limitations you may have, but please do your best to provide the following accommodations:


  • A Call is requested with the main person responsible for overall prior to the event to go over the side of the . Typically, this is done two weeks before the show date based on all parties’ availability.



  • Due to flight delays, it isn’t uncommon for me to arrive very late in the evening. If applicable, please confirm my hotel room as non-smoking and guaranteed for late arrival.
  • DIET: I am adaptable but conscious in my eating choices. I am allergic to milk/dairy products and I don’t eat meat other than sustainable seafood. I do eat eggs. I don’t drink alcohol. I don’t eat refined sugar. Serve and eat anything you like for yourself and other guests; you won’t offend me.



  • Please allow me to present with my own laptop, as my may contain effects, transitions, videos, audio clips, licensed , and automatic timings.
  • A slide monitor showing my in “Presenter View” means I can track what’s on the screen and see what’s coming next without having to look over my shoulder. This makes for better audience engagement.
  • At least one projector and screen setup. Please make sure the screen(s) is/are large enough for everyone in the audience to see. If you do not have rear projection or IMAG, please place the screen(s) off to the side(s) of the stage so the projector does not block the view of the audience. Another option (for groups no larger than 150) is to place two large televisions on either side of the stage.
  • Lighting: Please ensure I am properly lit on the stage without washing out the video screens. If necessary, use a separate lighting tree for the stage. Spoken is different from a concert or movie. It is important that house lights be kept on during the performance. If I can’t see the audience, I can’t interact with them.
  • Please ensure there will be no screen(s) in the middle of the stage. Imagery behind the speaker is a distraction. If the stage does have a central screen, make sure that it shows a static image or backdrop that doesn’t compete with the speaker for attention.
  • Please provide an open and uncluttered stage area. No lecterns, please. Lecterns are for lectures; speaking is a performance art.
  • If more than 150 people will be in the audience, please provide a raised platform or stage with adequate lighting so the audience can see me clearly. The stage should be at least 12 feet in length and 6 feet in depth.
  • Please ensure the first row of audience seats are no more than ten feet from the front of the stage.
  • The audio signal from my laptop should be connected to the house speakers.
  • preference (in order): wireless headset (Countryman preferred), wireless lapel, wireless handheld, wired lapel, wired handheld. Please have a backup readily available.
  • Please schedule at least 45 minutes for me to walk the stage and perform a “tech check” prior to the performance.
  • Please place a large clock in clear sight of the stage so I can keep your event on schedule.



  • Please, no food or servers coming in or out of the room during the presentation.
  • Please, no audio or video recording devices unless approved in in advance. If approval is given, please provide me with a master of the recording.
  • Please check with me before posting any of my content (, handouts) online, and please do not include any of my into handouts for the audience without written approval from me.



  • Please make available one 8-foot table or two 6-foot tables for my additional resources.
  • GIFTS: Appreciated, but unnecessary. Please do not feel obligated to provide gifts or plaques.
  • It is highly preferred that the audience have a break immediately before and immediately following the presentation to facilitate interacting with me. Following the presentation, it would be beneficial to offer at least 20 minutes for pictures/autographs. (People love to post photos on social media!)


Thank you for taking the time to review these requests. I look forward to serving your organization, and to putting on a fantastic program!