It’s day and five big construction contractors show up, each of them hoping to convince the university that they should be the ones to build the new STEM building.

One by one, each contractor drags the selection committee through an agonizing slide deck that introduces their team, their past work, endorsements, andā€¦

Here’s the problemā€¦

All that information is already available on the contractors’ websites, and since these are the selection committee’s finalists chosen from a much longer list of candidates, don’t you think they’ve already seen this stuff?

Have you ever been forced to politely listen while someone goes on and on and on about stuff you already know?

A is not a mini-website!

So what are the alternatives?

Kick ASK!

Ask the decision-makers what they do and don’t want to see in your .

Ask the decision-makers if there are any specific questions they’re looking for answers to.

And in the , ask wise questions that encourage .

It’s easy to stand up and talk about yourselfā€”and introductions are importantā€”but people LOVE To feel listened to and understood.

Let’s face it: ANY of the finalists is probably well-qualified to build that STEM Building.

The one that gets the gig will be the one who makes the decision-makers feel listened to and understood.

A is not a mini-website.

Like any good presentation, it’s an opportunity to engage.